Spain MP To Challenge The FBI To Deal With Al-Qaeda 'most Wanted' Photos

First, the FBI has used his face to represent Osama bin Laden a "Most Wanted" poster. Then doctored the image again to make him imitate another senior al-Qaeda.

Now, Gaspar Llamazares Spanish MEP had enough and said he would continue with the FBI, after recalling that the two men ended up dead.

Llamazares said he was satisfied with the apology he received after his face was used as the basis for a computer model of how Osama bin Laden could have looked for months before he was killed in Pakistan May

Left-wing United Left party MP said his photographs were also used to create a poster "Most Wanted" for a parent of al-Qaeda leader Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, who was killed in Pakistan in August.

"I will continue with the FBI because they have not done things, and offer an apology on his teeth," he told Spanish radio station Cadena SER. "I want to remind you that the two persons whose images were collected through face parts have been killed," he said.

Llamazares first complained about the use of his face as a model for the FBI in January 2010 Bin Laden photofit. That brought an apology written by Christian Hassell, deputy director of the FBI Laboratory Division, who reportedly called the incident "unfortunate" and promised there was no intentional selection Llamazares - whose party opposed the war in Iraq - as the image of the model. Mock-up bin Laden had also been taken out of the FBI site.

Bin Laden was finally taken to the Pakistani city of Abbottabad and killed by Navy Seals on May 2

Rahman was killed in an attack the CIA Predator drone in Waziristan, Aug. 22 The Libyan had been a lieutenant of bin Laden and had served as a connection with al-Qaeda supporters in Iran, Iraq and Algeria. At the time of his death he was reported to have been the new group of second captain.