Football In Spain

Spain has a great story about football, probably only beaten by England and Italy in terms of football heritage. Real Madrid is the football team the most successful in Europe, although their statistics hit by being sponsored by General Franco during the 1950s.

Football in Spain is a ticket cost for times less than 20 € from the same club. Realistically, you should look to pay about € 35 to see the game unless you buy a ticket tout on the street. Of course, the more you play, buy a tout may be the only option!

Learning about Spanish football (Soccer)

Spain Soccer is played in four professional championships and the promotion of a drop occurs at the end of each period. The season runs from mid-September and lasts until mid-May. During this period, every Saturday and Sunday will see more than 100 professional games are held in different parts of the country.

Sitting on top of the pyramid leagues are 20 teams in League A (known as "La Liga" in other European countries). Each team will play every home at other times and once later in the season.
